Sorry it took so long to answer but I never received a notification e-mail.
So, I knew that there couldn't be anyting wrong with the Rx pin since it is able to receive the code via the CH340G chip. But anyway, I ran your code and as expected everything worked perfectly. Somehow this morning, after a lot of tweaking, some crazy tests and some voodoo magic I got it working (it's not a joke about the crazy tests and voodoo magic ... I literally started messing with everything until it started receiving).
After that I noticed that sometimes the message comes, but its logic level isn't enough to trigger UART, imagine that it behaved like noise on top of could clearly see the byte being sent but its level varied between 3v3 and 3v. Also a ~275ms delay occurred after receiving N bytes (I'm assuming 256 bytes).
After reading your message the only thing I hadn't tried was a level converter, so I built my own with 2 NPN transistor and some resistors. Then I connected it from the arduino mega to nodemcu and it started receiving perfectly. This led me to believe that there was probably a problem with my protoboard wires and resistors, that were lowering the power transmitted (30kohm in series + a few ohms for the wires + protoboard + parasyte capacitance, etc ... probably wasn't enough to drive nodemcu's UART ... but I have used this setup before with other microcontrollers and it worked). But still ... the problem that the communication halts for ~275ms after receiving ~256 bytes is still there. This is certainly due to some buffer being overrun and I can probably deal with it by using shorter commands and the flush function.
Thank you so much for your help and the time you took to write your previous message. Thanks to that I was able to solve my problem.
PS: So my problem was due to the fact that I wanted a quick and dirty setup to test some code and the quick and dirty ended up biting me in the ass. Unfortunately it won't be the last time this type of prblem happens to me, but well ... apparently that's something that not even experience will fix for me