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By teddyz
#85022 Searching on Mouser I found LDK130M33RY that will give 300mA and with a quiescent current of 30uA.

30uA sounds low but will by itself drain the battery with 260 mAh per year. Hopefully this will be a minor part of the total consumption.
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By RIN67630
vinaykumar wrote:
teddyz wrote:I think ESP8266 can survive some 3.6V. Can a simple diode in series be enough to not kill the chi?. This way you lose no energy by the "regulator" while your ESP is in deep sleep.

Thanks for the reply.

Here the battery is showing 4.2V when it is fully charged. So we definitely need a regulator to step down.

4,2V -0,6V drop in the diode = 3,6V, what the OP mentioned.
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By amadeuspzs
#87045 I've been using the [url text=MCP1700][/url] and am happy:

1. Low quiescent load (1.6uA)
2. Simple application circuit (2 x 1uF ceramic capacitors)

I've only been running a few days but depending on the rest of your code/implementation it should last a fair while.