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By kolban
#24434 I use 230400 and it works 90% of the time. When I say 90% ... I mean that. 1 in 10 times it will fail and if I immediately re-run the flash, it will work. Higher speeds don't work for me. I have 4 inch wires connecting my RX/TX ... so I could imagine noise creeping in and am satisfied with the speeds as they are. I am using CP2012's for my USB to UART.

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By tytower
#24450 I'm using the top speed (921,600 baud) without problems and it flies . I have about one and a half meters of FTDI 5V cable dropping the power through two diodes but the TX /RX lines have no hindrance on them and are less than 3 inches from where the FTDI cable comes out.

EDIT - I was wrong . I have cut the track on TX and RX lines and have 1K surface mount resistors on them. It sometimes does not seem to set up right on reboot but I just do it again and its usually then right.

The green and white are TX/RX and the white pigtail is GPIO0. The separate board is just a trial temp /humidity sensor.Led is so I can see when its on.
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