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By brutzler
#21941 Serial communication is a point to point communication.
You are using one interface with two partners: ESP8266 and the Serial-Monitor.
It would be better to use two serial interfaces.
Arduino (beside MEGA) have only one hardware-serial-Interface. This should stay for uploading and monitoring
I would connect the ESP to a "softserial-Interface". This are two different pins of the arduino.
Look at here:
This is a good explanation, and a basic example for this.
For the first step, you can use this 1:1. If you use the same pins of the arduino.
But be aware, you should use a lower baudrate than 115200 baud with this interface.
I normally take 19200. This is quick enough for this.
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By brutzler
planetleak wrote:Hi, thank you, unfortunately got the same result with softwareserial too :(
Used 9600 baud at ESP and Arduino side too.

My ideas are gone....

Did you take the basic example, or your code (modified for software-serial)?
For the first step, the example should be enough. It is only carrying through the signals from one serial port to the other.

You told us, that with only ESP (serial port connected to the USB-TTL-Converter at the PC) you got a proper result. Right?