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Moderator: igrr

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By torntrousers
igrr wrote:Basically, you first have to choose an AP, and then pass its BSSID to WiFi.begin:

WiFi.begin(const char* ssid, const char *passphrase, int32_t channel, uint8_t bssid[6]);

Note that if you want to pass bssid you also need to set the channel number.

Getting BSSID and channel number from scan results is possible by calling WiFi.BSSID(index) and

Terrific, thats exactly what i was looking for, thanks.

So with that i was able to debug further - the problem is a bunch of access points with the same SSID and one of them isn't connected to a network so although the ESP can connect to the AP ok it doesn't get a connection to the internet, and that AP seems to often be the one the ESP chooses to connect to.

Is there some way to blacklist a BSSID? Or to control how the ESP chooses from multiple APs?

@SoC - these are open access points so they don't have a password