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By SwiCago
erhardd wrote:If you are not able to build it with cygwin and you only want to see your display working:
first: -it's not the ucglib;
- you have to open TFTv2.h and to change line 187-190 to your Pins CS and DC.
BL is at 3.3V
RST at rst - esp;

No touch !
Take the text.ino;
7z is free and powerfull (google) ..

I tried as you suggested and only used TFTv2
I tried the text.ino example ..The display initializes and prints the text once, then goes all white.
Tried the shapes.ino ... same thing, draws circle and then goes white.

How do you keep the display from clearing after it has finished drawing. Kind of useless, if it always clears to a white screen when done with a routine.

Any suggestions?

Have it wired as follows
BL = 16 (LED)
CS = 4
DC = 2
SCK = 14
MISO = 12
MOSI = 13
RST = 5

UPDATE: even tried putting a Tft.drawString in the loop and it only shows the string once and then the screen goes white....

Any suggestions?
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By SwiCago
Oldmicroguy wrote:I had the same problem. Try it without reset. Like this:

Ucglib_ILI9341_18x240x320_HWSPI ucg(/*cd=*/ 4 , /*cs=*/ 15 /*reset=*/ ); // ESP8266

Worked for me.


Not using Ucglib, trying with TFTv2 as was suggested, since no one will post a compiled version of Ucglib that works in windows. Also, I did try w/o reset...same thing...initializes, does the routine and then goes white
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By Oldmicroguy
#33124 Don't know what TFTv2 is but i doubt it has the dozens of fonts that Ucglib has. See my post on page 5 of this topic for photos.

There is more to it than just downloading and installing a library. Carefully read the first post that opened this topic.