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By folny82
#22709 Hi

Now I tried this library but the result is the same code is still sometimes longer resets do not really know what I should do to the code to work properly, does anyone have any other advice ?
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By kolban
#22721 Do you know how to program? Do you understand the code that you have been using? If asked, could you make modifications to it?

The reason that I ask this, is that if the answer is yes ... then we can suggest some debugging techniques and tips. For example, if we are assuming that the watch dog timer is the issue, then I'd suggest commenting out areas of code that would appear to take elapsed time before returning control. If we keep doing this until the program runs without resetting, then we will have identified the area where too much time is being spent. Once we know the problematic area, then we can start thinking about solutions.

Assuming you have code that takes "X" units of time where "X" > "Max Time" then we could potentially split that into two units of code which take "Y" and "Z" where both "Y" < "Max Time" and "Z" < "Max Time" and then execute "Y", return to OS, execute "Z", return to OS. Depending on the story, this might solve the puzzle.
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By folny82
#22724 Thank you for your advice I would be happy if it will help me with the code I got a poor programmer some things still do not understand well I'll be glad if the code to work properly.