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By jantje
#25277 Hi
Jantje here.
First of all thanks for doing the writeup.
I just read your PDF and I would like to make some comments.
however it goes against the notion of Eclipse. Eclipse is meant to be an
extensible environment which provides a framework into which additional plug-ins can be added as

I disagree on this statement "it goes against the notion of Eclipse.". The plugin comes in 2 flavours. As a product and as a plugin. That is exactly the same as the CDT product or the java product. Basically you take the product that matches closed to the development you want to do and add/remove plugins. This is 100% compliant with what you do when downloading from
For arduino development in eclipse the arduino eclipse product is the most appropriate to start from. If however you prefer a specific eclipse release or already have a eclipse instance you want to extend you would go for the plugin.
This philosophy is visible in the section "V1?V2?Product?Eclipse" here

The next part is a little trickier. We need to supply values for both "Private Library path" and
"Private hardware path". These directories are the directories for the Arduino ESP package and
NOT the native Arduino. You will find these at the following directories:
C:\Users\<Your Userid>\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\<Your
C:\Users\<Your Userid>AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware

This is not needed with the nightly build. This has to do with issue:

Unfortunately, there isn't much to see while the upload happens so sit
back and be patient.

There should be an upload console and as you set the upload process to verbose you should see at least something there. Can you give me some feedback on this?

Note that if something is not working out just create a issue (as you did) and we can see what can be done.

Best regards
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By kolban
#25282 Howdy Jantje,
Awesome responses and thank you for taking the time to respond. You are becoming a hero in my eyes. Feel free to contact me at Skype with id "neil.kolban" if you want to do real time chats or a voice conversation. You are the expert in this area by far and if you can assist me get the instructions straight, I'll be delighted to be an advocate and try and assist as many folks as I can.

Oh ... and another thought ... I am making an assumption that the ESP8266 arena isn't one you are that familiar with? ... If we want to set up a screen share where I walk you through a clean/virgin install of the environment maybe you can spot where I am going wrong with the current instructions?

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By kolban
#25284 @fonly82,
Many thanks for taking the time to respond. These docs are the first pass and I'm sure that I somehow contaminated my environment while practicing all the different recipes. When I wrote the docs, I stripped (what I thought was ...) everything before starting again ... but it is likely that "something" remained.

The error you saw is indeed one that I too saw ... but I would have sworn it went away when I started using the latest "nightly builds" ... so here is what I suggest ...

Can you post the EXACT versions of Arduino IDE and Arduino Eclipse versions you used? Did you install the plugin to an existing Eclipse or did you download a complete pre-built Eclipse including the Arduino Eclipse support?

If needed, we can setup a screen share and I'll be delighted to work live with you to see if we can figure out what might be going wrong.
