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By Brodyamc
#53291 I've got the Wemos D1 board and an NRF905 RF transceiver.
The libraries I've found for the transceiver are fairly limited and all rely on the AVR libraries (which aren't supported by the ESP8266).
Library in question.

Just wondering if anyone had any experience or existing libraries for the NRF905 that would work on the ESP8266?
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By mrburnette
Just wondering if anyone had any experience or existing libraries for the NRF905 that would work on the ESP8266

The nRF905 is not WiFi.

The nRF905 is a radio transceiver IC similar to the well known nRF24L01, but operates at 433 /898/915MHz instead of 2.4GHz, has a much longer range and a few extra IO pins.
