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By yukardo
#54667 Hello Everybody,

I am working with the ESP8266 using the Arduino IDE.

I have to connect the GPIO0 to GND for programming.

After upload the sketch, I connect GPIO0 to a button pin. For that moment the ESP8266 works fine.

But if I turn off and turn on the ESP8266, it does not work.

It seems it loses the program.

Tell me what can I do?

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By mrburnette
#54754 The "generic" wiring for the ESP is here:

Reset must have a pull-up resistor - 10K is nominal.

Honestly, at the low price of the NodeMCU: under $3 USD, these make excellent bench development devices ... then, for size (or other reasons) move to a module for the final build.


Note: product link is representative but not meant to be an endorsement or suggestion of fitness for any purpose whatsoever.