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By SO_yeah
#54946 I'm sending a message (60 bytes packet) every 1ms.
if sending to broadcast I experience 200ms pauses every 100ms.

I found in reply #3 here that this might be related to sending to multiple IPs.
In fact sending to a specific IP cause the pauses to drop to 5ms (still occurring every 100ms).

this behavior is independent from: CPU frequency 80/160MHz or sending interval 1ms/2ms/4ms.

I'm diving into lwip looking for hints but that is going to take time.

Is this 100ms interval some UDP specification?!
what would you guess is happening during the pauses?!
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By rudy
#54962 I think that I read broadcast sends at the slowest speed so that any device can receive the information. I was interested in using broadcast for my application but I reconsidered because of this behavior.