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By Syed Niamath
#55904 Hi,

I am able to successfully light a bulb remotely via web browser with ESP8266 which is connected to my home wifi router, I thought of taking the esp8266 for giving a demo on my friends house, since the SSID & Password are hardcoded for my router how can I change it so that it picks up my friends wifi to connect. Is there any sample code which needs to be included please guide.

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By reaper7
#55905 1. ESP8266WiFi/examples/WiFiMulti/WiFiMulti.ino (hardcoded too, but You can use more that one ssid/pass)
2. ("interactive" option - You can change via mobile phone for eg.)
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By Syed Niamath
#55953 I used the tzapu wifi Manager autoconnect sketch , when I switch off my WiFi Router the ESP gets into AP mode with IP successfully, but when I switch ON my wifi and try to access the IP on a web browser it displayed the usual site cannot be reached. Is that anything I'm missing it?