After setting up a SoftAP I want one and only one station to be able to log into it. After that, can I somehow make the SoftAP become hidden or not available for others? I can of course use a password and only give it to one person, but I would like all the CPU cycles the ESP8266 has to be dealing with the one station that is connected and not distracted dealing with connection requests. So, SoftAP is broadcasing "I'm here, connect!" to the world, one person connects, SoftAP stops broadcasting its existence. Anyway possible in the Arduino code? Thanks!
After setting up a SoftAP I want one and only one station to be able to log into it. After that, can I somehow make the SoftAP become hidden or not available for others? I can of course use a password and only give it to one person, but I would like all the CPU cycles the ESP8266 has to be dealing with the one station that is connected and not distracted dealing with connection requests. So, SoftAP is broadcasing "I'm here, connect!" to the world, one person connects, SoftAP stops broadcasting its existence. Anyway possible in the Arduino code? Thanks!