this is my first post in the forum,
I'm developing a little arduino (Uno) prototype with the esp8266 module as a wireless card and a dht11 sensor.
I have a very small goal: show dht11 data in a web page and sending dht11 data to a server on a trusted network.
So arduino acts a web server and it "responds" to requests with a simple html page (with dht11 values).
At the mean time arduino sends dht11 data to a server every X minutes for other (higher level) purposes.
Communication with esp8266 is made with AT commands: AT+CIPSERVER for webserver configuration, AT+CIPSTART for client configuration, and so on...
The problem is as follows:
if I use only one configuration at a time ("web server" or "client") arduino works fine, but if I use both configurations at the same time Arduino neither acts as a webserver, nor it sends data to the trusted server. Why?
Probably there is something I wrong in the sketch, or in AT commands.... but I don't know why and where...
You'll find complete .ino file here: ... rmoUNO.ino
Can you help me?
Thank you