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By crop
#68513 Hi,

im grabbing some data through atmega 328 and at the moment I can see them on the serial port of PC. Now I want to transmit this data to PC or thingspeaks web page through a wifi module and I'm using esp 8266. How is this possible? How should I program wifi module and controller?
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By QuickFix
#68573 Wouldn't it be better (and perhaps easier) to drop the Atmel and only use the ESP?
The ESP superior to the ATMega on many points (except for analog and digital IO-count perhaps) and if you're already using Arduino (are you?), you're almost already done, since you can program the ESP with the Arduino IDE using the ESP8266 core. :idea:

If ditching the ATMega is not an option, you could try to use the ESP in default AT-command mode or write a simple bridge/gateway yourself (with Arduino) that will transport serial data over WiFi.
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By crop
QuickFix wrote:Wouldn't it be better (and perhaps easier) to drop the Atmel and only use the ESP?
The ESP superior to the ATMega on many points (except for analog and digital IO-count perhaps) and if you're already using Arduino (are you?), you're almost already done, since you can program the ESP with the Arduino IDE using the ESP8266 core. :idea:

If ditching the ATMega is not an option, you could try to use the ESP in default AT-command mode or write a simple bridge/gateway yourself (with Arduino) that will transport serial data over WiFi.

I just want to do the second option.. I've tried to grab the data using for the data receiving at rx and tx pins... but not sure what to do exactly... need some help with programming. I've connected tx rx of my preprogrammed controller to rx tx pins of esp module
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By theenggprojects
#74045 Hi,

If you are working on Atmega328 then you should have a look at Introduction to Atmega328. I have written this article and I think you guys will like it. I have tried my best share all about this microcontroller.
