I've noticed a slow compile time on Windows 10, looking at the Task Manager it seems a process called "MsMpEng.exe" is using most of the Cpu.
I've checked it out, it's the default Anti-virus program that comes with Windows 10.
Disabling the Anti-virus speeds up the compile time significantly...!
Do you have any solution on how to avoid disabling the anti-virus?
Looking at it, Arduino seems to open many many processes instantaneously.
Although on Linux it won't make much of an impact, on Windows opening processes is much more resources hungry.
I guess if we can make the compiler switch to compile a file per thread instead of per process we can avoid the disadvantages on Windows.
Is it a wishful thinking or are there any plans for that?
Do you have any alternatives for compiling for esp8266 on windows? (not using VMs)