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By mysran
#79655 Hello,

I tried debugging using Platform IO on Visual Code. I was able to compile and upload the code to the device but debugging part was not happening. When I read about this, there were mention about some hardware problem with ESP8266 which it does not allow it to put breakpoints and run live debug on it

As posted in many blogs and sites I also followed ... 66-part-4/
for live debugging of esp8266 using Eclipse CDT and Sming framework. This is basically for Linux OS, and also a bit confusing as to it lacks what it is trying to do with each step. Request anyone to post a better procedure to live debug the ESP8266.

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By mysran
#79662 Hello,

Request help on the below post. Live debugging with Eclipse CDT and sming framework mentions of creating 2 projects one referring to the Sming/Sming folder and another to Basic_Debug which is in Sming\samples folder. My question is if I have my own program to debug where is the provision to debug that by enabling breakpoints.
