I'm loosing my sleep here. Can't figure out what exactly is going on here. I've got two "Wemos D1 Mini" and on one, my sketch with the deepSleep function works perfectly, on the other, it doesn't (D0 and RST obviously connected on both).
The Wemos goes into deepSleep and I can see the onboard LED flash quickly, which would normally wake up the Wemos, but it doesn't do so.
Now, I measured the 3.3V during deepSleep on pin D0 and can see it drop to LOW after the timer is up but it doesn't reset the Wemos. Interestingly with a second impuls (e.g. connect RST to GND), the Wemos powers up. Same for the reset button: After it has gone into deepSleep I can only reset the Wemos with two pushs onto the reset button (quickly flashes first, then resets with a second push).
The other Wemos I have works perfectly well with that sketch. Anybody an idea?