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Moderator: igrr

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By alonewolfx2
gon wrote:just because the ESP can behave as AP it is not a router nor a hotspot!

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By voyager
#13001 It was not my intention using the ESP as a standalone router or a s a standalone hotspot. My idea is to create an access point. Connect to this. Get its IP Address from my System. Call up a ESP client show ing me the available WLans. Choose a Wlan and connect the ESP to it. Then store the info in EEprom and call my program. So i don't need any serial output to collect data such as IP, SNM or GW. And when i restart my program the ESP has got all needed info. IGGRs suggestion works perfect. I have also included the phrase " WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP);" and i hope to finish my project soon.