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By meibao
#88498 For example, development board A will automatically set the device number as 10001 when writing the firmware, and development Board B will automatically set the device number as 10002 when writing the same BIN firmware, and so on, and set the device number as the writing time automatically increments... Ask for help :ugeek: :ugeek:
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By Mr.Gil
#88729 I do not understand your question, is it set from the development software or the code in the unit. If this helps I typically use Unix time, it is never the same and available anywhere in the world. I use GMT as the basis and it is not dependent on geography (time zone). I use Linux so it is available directly from my system. If you unit is on line you can get it from the government by using the NTP protocol. 1 cravat you can decode the number and get the date and time.