I want an interpreter running on ESP8266 w/o any other MCU like Arduino
that allows to execute Arduino commands interactively.
My first thought was to just allow commands like "analogWrite(2, 127)" or "digitalRead(1)".
But yesterday I stumbled over PicoC interpreter
that would give more of a shell around just being able to execute Arduino commands.
So on startup the ESP8266 would
- either connect to Wifi AP
- or be Wifi access point
- or both
- start TCP server
- interpret and execute commands received via TCP session
On Linux netcat (nc) would
- connect to ESP8266 TCP server
- send commands
- receive and display command responses
I want to use that eg. for controlling motor over motor controller (direction, speed), see [1] [2] [3].
PicoC would give me shell like capabilities like loops for increasing speed gradually.
Currently ESP8266-01 cannot play with L293D motor controller (3.3 vs. 5 V).
But logic level converters were already ordered from Ali.
Does such ESP8266 Arduino command interpreter already exist?
Has anybody brought PicoC to ESP8266 yet?