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By OliverNZ
#23105 Hi All,

I wonder if someone can have a look at their ESP-01. Mine is continually trying to connect to (some address in Sweden). My network won't allow outgoing traffic on that net but I find that insanely weird and am wondering if I am seeing a fluke or this is actually something deep down in the firmware of the ESP.

Cheers Oliver
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By tytower
#23124 I had a look at my routers stats page but could see nothing of that address on mine but I did not look long and for that matter I have been playing with it so I don't know whats on it atm . I'll put a known sketch on it and get back to you. Ok did that and nothing in the stats page but then thats for my computers connection not the chips . Where would I look to find that IP ?
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By kolban
#23141 Do we have any debugging tips to monitor the traffic coming from an ESP8266? What if we told the ESP8266 that its gateway was a PC on the LAN and then used WireShark to examine the traffic? Can a PC be configured as a "fake" router than when it receives traffic it then relays it to the real gateway?
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By OliverNZ
#23181 You could do that. I just saw that traffic on my Router (Mikrotik) and thought it odd. It keeps on trying to re-connect even when I kill the connections.