The attached sketch is slightly modified from one published for the Arduino. Basically, the RF module is hooked to a digital input (D4 in this case). The code uses an interrupt to trigger a write the pulse time to serial. When run, I see a flood of times and never see anything that looks like the 433MHz signals from any of my sensors. Also, after a few seconds the module seems to lock up. It eventually dumps gibberish to serial and then continues.
I do not know if the issue is with the code or if the RF module which worked fine at 5v on UNO is just unreliable at 3v3 on ESP. The spec sheet indicates it should work fine on either 3v3 or 5v with lower antenna gain from a lower supply voltage. I also confirmed via an Arduino oscilloscope that the logic level of the RF is 3v3 with 3v3 input.