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By Solexious
#45564 Hello all,

I'm currently having issues getting pin 16 to work with the neopixel library, and in fact I can't seem to get pin 16 to do anything... It seems to be able to be hooked up to rst for sleep functions, but I can't find anything about needing to do anything fancy to use it normally? Am I missing something obvous?

I'm using an esp12e with the arduino ide.


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By schufti
#45572 gpio16 is a little bit different as it has an internal pulldown resistor.
depending on the pin-setup and your hw you may need an external pullup.

or maybe it is just because, as the espressiv doc says, it is not a standard API GPIO :
Code: Select all2.5. GPIO16 related APIs Different from other IO interfaces, GPIO16(XPD_DCDC) belongs to the RTC module instead of the general GPIO module. It can be used to wake up the chip during deep-sleep; it can be configured to input or output mode; but it cannot trigger the IO interrupt. the APIs are shown below.

2.5.1. gpio16_output_conf(void)
Set the GPIO16 to the output mode.

2.5.2.gpio16_output_set(uint8 value)
Output high/low level from GPIO16. Configure GPIO16 to the output mode first.

Set the GPIO16 to the input mode.

Read the GPIO16 input level status. Configure GPIO16 to the input mode first.