I had no problems loading sample codes and trying my codes to run it. I would load about 4-5 codes to try out everynight for the past week or so. If it doesnt work I just modify the code and reload it. What is happening now is no matter what code I load on to the board I would get a reset every few seconds. The cause is 4 (I have seen 2 as well but rarely) and mode 3,6 or 3,7. My hardware has not changed since I had the board. I tried loading codes that didnt have problems before and it still resets every few seconds.
My current set up Arduino IDE 1.6.8 running on XP (I know it's an old laptop). CP2102 USB to TTL. When I first got the esp board I flashed it with nodeMCU and tried lua programing but didnt like it so I flashed it again with the lastest firmware from espressif.
What can suddenly cause the constant reseting of the board no matter what code is loaded? Even codes that used to work fine.
Tried reflashing the espressif firmware and loading my code with arduino IDE again. Still same result even with basic samples that used to work fine.
Can the system running the arduino cause the problem? It was starting to act stange while I'm coding and compling. Could it complie and upload a corrupted code to the esp?
Any help or advice would be great thanks in advance.
p.s. I am switching over to my desktop running win7 to try and rule out if the old laptop was the problem.