ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By bkrajendra
Sprite_tm wrote:Just a FYI: I have developed httpd and the mkespfs stuff, but I can only develop/test it under Linux; I don't do Windows. If someone figures a way to make things work in Windows, please post them here; same goes for patches that make Windows-support easier. Don't go expecting Windows-support from me, though; I'll just advise you to install Linux :P

Hey all ... I'm already doing it with Windows64.
very efficiently. ...!

I'm soon going to write a wiki for it and ill post the link here.... its very easy in window. ..

are you doing "make htmlflash"
its necessary to compile webpages.espfs.
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By FeK9
folny82 wrote:Hi

Compilation file webpages.espfs I had to use VirtualBox and Linux compilation is successful then I used the command make webpages.espfs but it would be great if it worked under Windows.

I agree folny82 :D

I'm not new VirtualBox my self, but it does seem a round about way to load an Ubuntu variant as guest VM just to make use of the 'heatshrink' utility.

I did find on the forum "My Espressif DevKit for Windows + Eclipse IDE" by CHERTS, and the examples appear to be working except 'mkespfsimage'.