ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By alonewolfx2
admin wrote:Be cool if was a standalone webserver maybe with SD card attached? :-) Dreaming....


+1 Sd card. Dreaming.. :)
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By kewlape
#14639 Thanks for your response sprite_tm. The reason I asked for the firmware is , its the best way for me to easily update the esp8266 and test it out before I can start tinkering with it. Even something as simple as updating the firmware is a learning step for me. Hence using the compiled firmware and seeing a hotspot allows me with a starting point.

I did see others requesting the same on the other thread. If it is not available, that's ok, its a further opportunity for me to learn. Appreciate the hard work.
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By banitama
admin wrote:Be cool if was a standalone webserver maybe with SD card attached? :-) Dreaming....


SD Card is nice. At least we can save some configuration file, log, etc.

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By dexterkhm
#23020 Hello! I am using ESPHTTPD in my progect , i made a web form to connect to local WIFI AP also i made for for changing station IP and even connected ds18b20 and everything is perfect till now. I wish to connect to thingspeak. I copied files httpclient.c httpclient.h from example "DHT22 ThingSpeak" i take it from SDK examples. And I get many errors
Image I think the problem is in make file settings but i do not know where exactly. So maybe there is a sample progect Httpd + http client+thingspeak?