ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By jithin
Sprite_tm wrote:
jithin wrote:Could you please make it compatible with the SDK1.1 that ships with esp-open-sdk package? I'd hate to stay with the previous versions with numerous proprietary libraries.

I'm using SDK1.1.1 as a baseline for the new version, however I use a SDK that's separate from the esp-open-sdk package. I'll be sure to check against the integrated version as well.

I got the latest version (1.1.1. I had been using 1.1.0.) , and it all worked well. Thanks.
The only change required is the #0 to #1 in c_types.h . However, that change breaks the default examples.
Since I'm not an expert, I've simply made two different copies of the file :p
many thanks.
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By Sprite_tm
tve wrote:Will you be incorporating the OTA stuff I posted?

Dunno, maybe later. I'm doing what I need for my current project first, and OTA updates aren't a part of it I fear.
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By Sprite_tm
#20006 Okay, the split work is over. If you want to see how it turned out: do a new checkout of the git repo: and run 'make'. This git repo is just a small-ish example of the webserver, serving up the familiar cat pictures. Making it will automatically pull in , which is where the main HTTPD server code is located from now on.

The idea is that from now on, you can add libesphttpd as a Git submodule in your own project. Just modify your makefile to do a 'make -C libesphttpd' and link the resulting libesphttpd.a into your binary and you should have a webserver linked in. (Do make sure to call the appropriate initialization functions, ofcourse.)

Please have a look around in the new code, I hope you like the new setup. Also, some bits of code have changed a bit but are untested because I don't have the setup to do so: mostly the flash-related functions are changed a bit. If you find a bug in these (or other) functions, I'd love to hear about them.