- Tue May 05, 2015 4:28 pm
I just got two of the ESP8266 modules a few days ago, I got two different ones just to see. I was able to set up the dev environment on a Debian Vbox without any trouble (done similar ones before). I downloaded the latest version from the mirror git sit (it had a the download zip option). All went great, and I was able to compile and then flash the unit with the cute little cat web site. and it worked perfectly in the AP, STA and AP+STA Modes. Very cool. So I started changing around the HTML and some of my code to suit my application and I noticed something odd. After about 2 or 3 minutes elapse, it seemed like the STA mode would stop responding. I could access using my tablet, but on my laptop I would go to which was the IP it got and it worked initially but after a few minutes, nothing, page un available. I reverted back to the original code and HTML as downloaded and it did the same thing, I am not sure but I think perhaps I just did not notice it before. The AP mode seems rock solid and always stays up. If I reconnect using the wifi.tpl then it comes back. Also, I added code so if I push a button on one of the GPIO it does a wifi_disconnect() followed by a wifi_connect and it comes right back. Also, I noticed that I enough time goes by, it seems to do that spontaneously. I tried reflashing the blank.bin and I tried a couple of flashers. So frustrating. Has anyone else seen this? What could I have screwed up here? Since I have two different modules from different sources I tried that with the same result on both. I don't know what to try next.
I can submit a capture.txt of all the console messages if need be, but honestly there was nothing in there unusual, I traced every message back to where it was thrown in the code and none appear to be error messages.
I just wanted to see if anyone else has seen this or can confirm 100% that they run in STA mode for a long time, mine messes up after about 2 minutes. I would imagine that would have been noticed before so it must be something I am doing wrong. Any ideas out there ?