ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By richardcj
#22706 I am using the ESP2866 for a IoT demo device. Right not thanks to Sprit_tm and olimex, I have code up and running. I am trying to add a color picker to the ESP and update a RGB LED. The code I have running works great but requires a external Javascript file to load properly. I tried embedding the shrinked file but it was too large. Where I will be demoing the project we will not have internet capabilities. Any Ideas? I s there a skinny version of the JS files I can use to implement sliders and such?


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By nemik
#22793 What JS library are you using? If it won't fit in memory I'm afraid your only hope may be to strip some features you don't need from the JS library then try to fit it in; implementing only what you need.