Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By anakod
Lawrence_jeff wrote:I am looking to do something similar to the relay board project where if the device doesn't have a stored AP config then it serves a basic website (in AP mode) to get the user's AP details.

You can look example of this configuration and storing from AP mode in little more complex MeteoControl example. JSON format used for settings.
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By hreintke
#13733 LS,
Did a first try to get eclipse not showing the syntax errors.
When adding ../Sming/system/include to the "c/c++ general" - "paths and symbols" - "includes" - "gnu C++" tab of the project properties, errormessages in eclipse disappear.
Only tried basic_wifi and httpserver_ajax projects.

I am not very experienced in eclipse, so beware that there may be side effects of this of which I am not aware.
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By Lawrence_jeff
#13747 Thanks!
That fixed it (I did need to add it to the C and C++ sections but afterwards all the header file includes then resolved and the methods were all recognized. Should probably get that included in the GIT

Good stuff - makes it much easier to see the real issues when modifying the code.