Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development

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By emogg
#28787 With the new Sming feature/rboot branch I can change the name of rom0.bin in user_config.h but the same trick does not work for the spiff_rom.bin. I have two different esp-12s and would like to put all roms in the same ota server directoty.
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By rab
#28816 Looks like this should have worked from the original, the variable SPIFF_BIN_OUT is already there, however it isn't overridable and doesn't actually get used in the final step where the file is copied to the output directory! I've fixed that in the latest commit to feature/rboot. You can now override SPIFF_BIN_OUT (path and .bin will be added, just set it to the base filename). Edit: also created a PR to fix this in the non-rBoot build.
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By datasung
#29116 I like the Sming framework in combination with Rboot but i have a question about flash size.
The last weeks a got some basic C and C++ knowledge and managed to get some understanding about the
Rboot Sming sample, but i wonder what maximum flash size is that can be used.
I have some 64 mbit flash chips i would like to try but i noticed that the maximum flag for ESPTOOL2 is -fs 32.
Is there a reason for this limit?
Can anyone give me some information about the maximum usefull flashchip size ?

I tried these setups, 32mbit works, 64 mbit does not.

8MB / 64mbit flash layout. ( write error for adresses 402000 and higher )

0000 bootloader ( rboot )
1000 boot config
2000 rom 0 start
100000 spiffs fs rom 0
202000 rom 1 start
300000 spiffs fs rom 1
402000 rom 2 start
500000 spiffs fs rom 2
602000 rom 3 start
700000 spiffs fs rom 3

4MB / 32mbit flash layout. ( working )

0000 bootloader ( rboot )
1000 boot config
2000 rom 0 start
50000 spiffs fs rom 0
102000 rom 1 start
150000 spiffs fs rom 1
202000 rom 2 start
250000 spiffs fs rom 2
302000 rom 3 start
350000 spiffs fs rom 3
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By rab
#29318 The SDK doesn't appear to support above 4mb flash. The flash size is set in a half a byte at the start of the flash and the options we have for that byte (according to the SDK only go up to 4mb. There are two different 4mb modes (the second used only by the sdk bootloader, not needed for rBoot) but no 8mb option. You could experiment with this half byte and see if there are any undocumented values that allow larger flash (0x7-0xf). You'd have to do that in because it override the value that's set by esptool2 in the rom when you flash it!