WIFIO is a dual Arduino WIFI module (ESP8266+ATMEGA328P) FCC approve-able with transferable licence. Can use the 328P for I/O expansion also...

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By emorales1992
#50377 Hello everybody, this is my first post.

I am trying to connect a Wii Nunchuck to ESP8266 but I can't make it work. I am using the Arduino library WiiChuck --> https://github.com/coopermaa/Wiichuck

The connections are:
- SDA pin to D2
- SCL pin to D1
- VCC to 3V3
- GND to GND

Since the library is using the SDA and SCL pins from Arduino I think that they are not well configured. I even have tried to modify WiiChuck library and set Wire.begin(4,5) --> (pins D2, D1) but it didn't work.

Do you have any idea about the problem?

Thank you!
