A Basic Interpreter written from scratch for the ESP8266

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Santiago Pistone
#65170 Hello everyone, first of all I want to congratulate you for the excellent contribution and predisposition of the forum.
My query is very simple, but I have not found the answer in this forum: How can I know the free memory that is left in the ESP8266? Flash, EEPROM.

Thanks a lot
Hola a todos, antes que nada quiero felicitarlos por la excelente contribucion y predisposicion del foro.
Mi consulta es muy sencilla, pero no he encontrado la respuesta en este foro: Como puedo saber la memoria libre que le queda al ESP8266? Flash, EEPROM.

Muchas gracias

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By Mmiscool
#65179 See the ramfree and flashfree function in the docs.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EiY ... 2o7hxxi60p