Have you been successful at flashing the Basic OS into any esp module??
Are you selecting the correct Ram size when flashing??
Read the part number of the flash chip and make sure it is the size you believe it to be.
Do you have another module to try ?
Be sure to take advantage of the feedback you get from the serial port when the module boots up and tries to connect to your chosen wifi.
0▒n?▒4▒!▒▒▒▒OSAJ▒▒HTTP Port: 80
ESP Basic 3.0.Alpha 65
MAC: 1A:FE:34:D4:E1:60
Connected to infected
IP address :
the above is what I see when I boot up my nodemcu and watch the serial port.
In this case it is connecting to my local lan and printing out the assigned IP address of
I can then direct my PC browser to that address and will be presented with the espBasic web page.
just a couple of things to check.