Place to put your Basic demos and examples

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By bugs
#57088 Yes - that will be the repeat code - you have to be very finger-fast to avoid it.
Figure 2 on this page is handy. ... n+Protocol

I bought a very similar clone for the same reason - having trouble decoding the NEC format via BASIC. It was very useful to prove I was generating the correct code.

I currently ignore repeats:-


msg$ = ir.recv.get()
msg$ = "0000" & upper(msg$) 'just in case leading zeros are suppressed
msg$ = right(msg$,8)

' if msg$="FFFFFFFF" then goto [rptmsg] 'I was going to use repeats but could not be bothered

if left(msg$,4) == "0008" then goto [msgok] 'Humax
if left(msg$,4) == "04FB" then goto [msgok] 'Topfield
if left(msg$,4) == "219E" then goto [msgok] 'WDTV

I don't have anything that uses RC6 - but the IR library included with BASIC does have an RC6 tx/rx section. Perhaps you could persuade MMISCOOL to provide access to the routine(s) via BASIC?
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By ardhuru
bugs wrote:I don't have anything that uses RC6 - but the IR library included with BASIC does have an RC6 tx/rx section. Perhaps you could persuade MMISCOOL to provide access to the routine(s) via BASIC?

Can you please elaborate? Which library do you refer to?

BTW, since you too have a Saleae clone, have you tried the 'Export' feature? Its fantastic! It generates a csv file with all the pulse train parameters, that can directly be opened in Excel for further analysis. Very useful to simply copy and paste values in your code to replicate a signal.

Best Regards.
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By bugs
#57222 Hi,
The library used is named IRremoteESP8266.
If you go to the BASIC github sourcecode page
and click on the green download button to get the zip file, you will find the Libraries folder with all the Arduino libraries that are used.

Must confess I have not spent a lot of time with the analyser - once I decoded the I2C signals. The windows software I used is called Sigrok - from
Too busy playing with ESP modules...