The indoor unit will have a 7" touchscreen and an ESP8266 to not only display the local weather, temp pressure etc from the outside unit but using the ESP8266 I want to be able to display things like the sea level pressure,sunrise, sunset and so on as well as weather details for another town.
Your example of a weather station is absolutely ideal for this I think.
I must point out I know nothing about ESPBasic other than the barest minimum.
What I'd like to do if you don't mind is modify your code and add a few things to it so it can do what I want, and also to send the information from my weather station TO Openweathermap.
I can understand a lot of your code, but as I'm new to ESPBasic I wonder if you'd mind helping by explaining a few things please/
serial2println = print out of serial port 2 I'm pretty sure I can change that to serialprintln to get it to print out of comn port 1, or would it be serial1println?
What I don't understand is the following snippets of code.
I wonder if you'd be so kind as to break them down and explain what each section/bit does please?
LIke: what does
mess mean?
or let mess = mess & not sure what that means, basically all the code below
let ret = readopenweather(query,0)
let ret = wget(query)
let desc = json(ret,"weather.description")
let temp = json(ret,"main.temp")
let press = json(ret,"main.pressure")
let humid = json(ret,"main.humidity")
let tim = json(ret,"dt")
let tim = unixtime(tim)
let name = json(ret,"")
'serialprint ret
et ret = readopenweather(query,1)
let temp_min = json(ret,"temp.min")
let temp_max = json(ret,"temp.max")
let tim = json(ret,"dt")
let tim = unixtime(tim)
serialprint tim
let mess = "$F1$C3" & name
let mess = mess & " $Cf"
let mess = mess & temp
let mess = mess & "$C3dg $Cf"
let mess = mess & press
let mess = mess & "$C3mB $CcHum $Cf"
let mess = mess & humid
let mess = mess & "$C3% $CcTmin $Cf"
let mess = mess & temp_min
let mess = mess & "$C3dg $CcTmax $Cf"
let mess = mess & temp_max
let mess = mess & "$C3dg $Cf"
let mess = mess & desc
let mess = mess & " "
if instr(mess,"found") <> 0 then goto [town2]
serial2print "@SUP="
serial2println mess
serial2println name
serialprintln mess
serialprintln ramfree()
Also .... have you any idea how I would be able to format code to send my local data to openweathermap?
I do have an app id number.