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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By raintime
#51915 memclear 'this program attempts to put cross hatches over the graphics window
graphics 400,600
a = 399 'Bug - a can't go to 400 - goes into never never land if a = 400
for x=0 to a step 10 '
line x, 0, x, 600, 0
next x
b = 589 'Bug - b can't go over 589 - goes into never never land if b = 590 and more
for y=0 to b step 10
line 0, y, 400, y, 0
next y

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By Mmiscool
#51917 Make your graphics area just a big bigger. Add about 20 pixels in x and y.

The browser automatically adds a bit of padding. This is inconstant across browsers so I suggest making the graphics area just a bit bigger than you need.
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By forlotto
#51933 aha so basic needs padding to cooperate with the browsers so this is why 589 is too close to the 600 mark so if you need 589 you may want to use 611 rather than 600 for instance.

Interesting I'll have to keep mind as one of the quirks of working things.

Along with the gosub without a return more than 250 times causes a crash.

These are operational things that somehow need to be documented or remembered there are these subtle quirks very important to know these things. Thanks for sharing.