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By raintime
#53525 Copied the WIFI Scanner Example. Shortened it to the code below:

​n = wifi.scan()
html "Number of network found = "
html n

Number of networks found = n

With [DEBUG] window, noticed that under Vars, n was equal to 1, but yet the character 'n' printed. A bug...
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By raintime
#54209 Yes. I just tried again (right after booting) and it came up incorrectly as "n" again! I am using ESP Basic 3.0.Alpha 43. I created and saved a new program, then ran it and got the "n".

I was using Firefox. Then I switched to Chrome, tried running the new saved program again, and it gave "1" - the correct answer.

Switched back to FIrefox and tried a few different things, like creating yet another new program, but now it's always giving "1".

I can't seem to re-create the "n" result. Something funny is happening, don't know what. Will try from time to time to try to find out what conditions bring out the "n".