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By timathis
#31687 I tried flashing a nodemcu esp12 with the basic interpreter using the basic flash tool.
I keep getting no sync replies.

I have tried a jumper from ground to gpio 0 and all combinations of the two switches on the nodemcu board.

I am not using an arduino as the usb serial interface.
I am using the nodemcu directly into usb port.
The( ch340) usb chip driver is setting the nodemcu to comport 4.

On the flasher I am entering com port 4 and 4 meg memory settings.

Perhaps the tx and rx need to be reversed if not using an arduino in between?
Or maybe the flasher will only work with an arduino in between?

Any solutions, corrections, or ideas on getting the interpreter into the nodemcu would be appreciated!!

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By Mmiscool
#31773 It would be expected with a nodeMCU module that the firmware would upload with out problem. Are you able to flash with the node MCU flash utility to upload normal firmware? Also do you have any kind terminal using the comport when trying to flash?
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By timathis
#31778 Thanks for quick reply.

I have no terminal program running.
Tried with xp and win 7 laptops.

ESP-com failed is the current response.
I have flashed it several times with the lua flasher with no problems.
The driver is now setting it for port 26.
I selected that port and tried but no luck.
Is there any switch sequence on the nodemcu switches?

Hold down until flashing starts or just activate momentarily?

I really like what I have seem of the basic so far and I am even considering using it for an online class if I can get it figured out.

Thanks Tim
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By Mmiscool
#31780 If you run esp8266 flasher program there is a directory called build it creates in the same folder as the exe.

You can use the node mcu flasher tool to flash the bin file under the "build/4m" directory.

Give that a shot.