One question:
I miss the one function that is in LUA ESP:
and sample in C
#define delayMicroseconds os_delay_us
// Lua: serout( pin, firstLevel, delay_table, [repeatNum] )
// -- serout( pin, firstLevel, delay_table, [repeatNum] )
// gpio.mode(1,gpio.OUTPUT,gpio.PULLUP)
// gpio.serout(1,1,{30,30,60,60,30,30}) -- serial one byte, b10110010
// gpio.serout(1,1,{30,70},8) -- serial 30% pwm 10k, lasts 8 cycles
// gpio.serout(1,1,{3,7},8) -- serial 30% pwm 100k, lasts 8 cycles
// gpio.serout(1,1,{0,0},8) -- serial 50% pwm as fast as possible, lasts 8 cycles
// gpio.mode(1,gpio.OUTPUT,gpio.PULLUP)
// gpio.serout(1,0,{20,10,10,20,10,10,10,100}) -- sim uart one byte 0x5A at about 100kbps
// gpio.serout(1,1,{8,18},8) -- serial 30% pwm 38k, lasts 8 cycles
static int lgpio_serout( lua_State* L )
unsigned clocks_per_us = system_get_cpu_freq();
unsigned pin = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 );
unsigned level = luaL_checkinteger( L, 2 );
unsigned repeats = luaL_optint( L, 4, 1 );
unsigned table_len, i, j;
luaL_argcheck(L, platform_gpio_exists(pin), 1, "Invalid pin");
luaL_argcheck(L, level==HIGH || level==LOW, 2, "Wrong arg type" );
luaL_argcheck(L, lua_istable( L, 3 ) &&
((table_len = lua_objlen( L, 3 )<DELAY_TABLE_MAX_LEN)), 3, "Invalid table" );
luaL_argcheck(L, repeats<256, 4, "repeats >= 256" );
uint32 *delay_table = luaM_newvector(L, table_len*repeats, uint32);
for( i = 1; i <= table_len; i++ ) {
lua_rawgeti( L, 3, i + 1 );
unsigned delay = (unsigned) luaL_checkinteger( L, -1 );
if (delay > 1000000) return luaL_error( L, "delay %u must be < 1,000,000 us", i );
delay_table[i-1] = delay;
lua_pop( L, 1 );
for( i = 0; i <= repeats; i++ ) {
if (!i) // skip the first loop (presumably this is some form of icache priming??).
for( j = 0;j < table_len; j++ ){
/* Direct Write is a ROM function which already disables interrupts for the atomic bit */
GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(GPIO_ID_PIN(pin_num[pin]), level);
level = level==LOW ? HIGH : LOW;
luaM_freearray(L, delay_table, table_len, uint32);
return 0;
Can you add this function to reference?
It makes our life easier;-)