[buttonPress]<----------------------------------------- Interrupt Triggered
interrupt switchPin <---------------------------------Disable the interrupt for now
pi switchPin pinState<-------------------------------Reread switchPin
interrupt switchPin [buttonPress]<---------------Reset interupt
if pinState = 1 then goto [flipFlop] <---------------If button was pressed Goto section that turns on or off the relay pin.
goto [webState] <--------------------------------------Goes to section that draws a webpage. It's the steady state section where the program sits when nothing else is going on.
Moderator: Mmiscool
print io(laststat,pin)
This will return the last polled status of a pin such as an interrupt and retain the value until it has changed again in another polling event. Also it will allow you to see the last value sent to a pin for servo, pwm or po.
A BASIC interpreter for your ESP
Working now on Autodrop3d. A 3d printer with automatic part ejection system. https://autodrop3d.com