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By forlotto
#41407 Indeed ok so it was the first and only file I looked at it looks more to be related to AP mode specified in user code... I need to look at the code that is the terminal itself to modify that I believe that is where the issue lies for me.
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By forlotto
#41408 AHA!

In wireless settings.ino it is APname and in ESPbasic.ino it is apName I think this may be what is causing some of the wifi conflicts maybe?

The two variables are different! APname and apName

IDK yet I have yet to really comb over every thing this was an at a glance response still looking but maybe ?

UPDATE a bit premature the file name so far appears to be APname and the actual apName is the string that is in the file hrmmm ok. Something is buggy here for the life of me I can't figure out why my apName string is not changing using the settings page.
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By forlotto
#41415 How does the file look does it say apName = "nameofap"

Well however it looks I cant get it to function correctly lol anyone have an older version I can revert to maybe 1.68 or possibly earlier IDK all of the 1.6's would be nice. Would work as a nice temporary solution this 1.79 or whatever is botched when it comes to apname hrmmm hold on looking at the fixes goto sub was broken previous to 1.8 better update.

I'll give this a try. Maybe this was preventing the saving of settings I guess it is possible time to update.
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By forlotto
#41419 Wireless info is still retained once saved....

There needs to be a better way to change settings on the settings page or something because the settings hold in the boxes but do not change at all on the device when you hit save right now I have no station username and password on the page yet it still connects to my wifi I had previously entered.

Again I don't know how to put this in words the apName just continues to use ESP for the apName no matter which information is displaying in the box or saved.

The settings page is buggy as all get out.

I have updated to 1.81 still having the same issues tried formatting tried a number of things and it isn't my first time using basic I assure you there needs to be a deletion of the old file and a replacement of a new one with the new information when you hit save. Something is dead wrong here I am very limited what I can do locally with a single AP name called ESP limited to one device to be rather honest.

Very frustrating been trying to lick this one for quite some time previous versions worked fine something was updated that do you have any old versions laying around that I can flash or a link to the older versions?