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By raintime
#53986 By putting my network SSID and password into [SETTINGS] it's automatically connecting nicely all the time. (Using ESP Basic 3.0 Alpha 43.)

But now, I want to test it as if I were NOT at home, so I DELETED Station Mode Name and Pass in [SETTINGS] and SAVED, and then tried many other things, including UPDATE and RESTART - (but I did not press FORMAT, since I don't know what this would do and did not want to lose all my programs!).

But try as I might - including pressing the RESET button, DISCONNECTING POWER from my nodemcu - even though the [SETTINGS] page is completely blank (except for "Server listening port 80") and did not show my network SSID and password, using many tries of many combinations of button pressing, it STILL ALWAYS CONNECTS TO MY NETWORK AUTOMATICALLY, as if it remembers its name and password!


(Also would like to understand the difference, in [SETTINGS], between SAVE, FORMAT, UPDATE and RESTART?
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By Mmiscool
#53988 The buttons on the settings page perform various functions.

The "Save" button will save your settings.

The "format" button with wipe the flash memory used for storing programs and settings.

The "update" button with tell the device to try and get the latest firmware from the OTA url.

The "restart" button is to reboot the module.

As to it remembering the wifi settings. Try putting a single space in the station name field and saving. This might force it to fail connecting.