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By tcpipchip
#55165 Please,

Can you test this

Code: Select alltft.setup(16, 4, 1)

bar1 ="RPM",200,0,120,30, 2, 65535, tft.rgb(0,25,255))
bar2 ="TEMPERA",200,50,120,30, 2, 65535, tft.rgb(0,25,255))
bar3 ="VELOCID",200,100,120,30, 2, 65535, tft.rgb(0,25,255))
bar4 ="AIRFLOW",200,150,120,30, 2, 65535, tft.rgb(0,25,255))
bar5 ="POSITION",200,200,120,30, 2, 65535, tft.rgb(0,25,255))

Execute many times please, sometimes only DRAWS the first BAR and resets! :(

btw, i did the same program using ARDUINO ESP8266 and never crashed, then is not a hardware problem, i guess!
I have tested too the ARDUINO ESP8266 VNC example too, and execute 100% good, no crash.
I am using the TFT TOUCH
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By once_pragmatic
#55167 Sounds like it may be related to power if the device resets once it starts to draw. Make sure you have enough power on the rail. If you can, try monitoring the power rail during your writes.