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By matherp
#32940 I'm trying to run the following minor modification of the timer example code

Code: Select alltimer 5000 [do.some.stuff]
print "going to do some stuff in a bit"
button "Click me to exit" [Exit.ThisThing]
a = 0
wprint htmlvar(a)
a = a + 1
timer = 0

but it doesn't do remotely what I expect. Based on the documentation, wprint htmlvar() should update the screen after every "wait" but I only get an update after pressing the exit and then all the outputs are the last value of a.

There is another issue with timer. If the default program includes a timer command then this gets run on reset and seems to use pretty much all the CPU.

This could also be the problem with the above program. TIMER seems to use all the resource. It looks like "wait" isn't working or something similar.
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By xtal
As to the page refreshing and it executing the same branch as a previous button click this is working as intended. branch this is working as intended. You can use the option to redirect to "./input?" instead of refreshing the page so that the old values are not send and a button click branch is not executed.

#0 ? If no refresh page then vars changes will not be reflected !!!!!!!
#1 I think that not resetting the condition that triggered the button click would be a bad decision!
example click to shut garage door --- clicks will continued eventually destroying garage door
click to raise temperature on a remote heater ---- temp continues to rise until unit destroys self + more?
It would be preferrable to do in FW else each user will have to some how do for all buttons........

That being said

V 1.13
added buttons EyeOpn and EyeClo and ForNext and modified Blink/TempUP/DN for better testing

Question--1--> I added a serialprintln Ipage in the Wprint stream --I never see this print, Why?
Question--2--> How do you add Remarks to code ?

#2 for next counts 1-5 and serialprintln pass x 1st click works ok , next click super slow response , which will occur -- makes no diff if I wait here or after EyeOpn
if you click again or if you don't click because of above condition !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#3 htmlvar using numerics is working so far on vars I'm using
htmlvar(Ipage) string now displays image ok, BUT still will not change displayed image
added EyeOpn and EyeClo to test

I kept playing now image changing ????
latest lines ----- looks same to me but now work.....will reboot to see if stays working
Rebooted and still works -- NO CLUE WHY code looks same to me......

wprint "<td><IMG SRC ="
wprint htmlvar(Ipage)
wprint " LEFT='1' WIDTH='120' HEIGHT='60' BORDER='1'></td>"

will need to check code to see where diff is?

#4 changed Blink code to:
Code: Select all            [BLINK]
            if Ipage == B_Clo then Ipage = B_Opn else Ipage = B_Clo
            serialprintln "setting cnt = '1' "
             cnt = "1"
            if cnt == "1" then SERIALPRINTLN "1"
            if cnt == "2" then SERIALPRINTLN "2"
            serialprintln "cnt still = '1' why print 2 "
            SERIALPRINTLN Ipage

code will print both 1 and 2 , 2 should not print !!!!

Code: Select allmycommand = " "
cnt = "1"
rfctr = 0
adc_id = 0
adc_value = 512
k1 = 0.11
p00 = 'P'
apc0 = 40000
ppm0 = 1770
adj1 = 1768
adj2 = 1769
cdeg0 = 25.1
fdeg0 = 77.18
kta0 = '0.01'
lo0 = '12'
hi0 = '20'
prb = '01.0'
ph = '7.0'
sbuf = ""

B_Opn = ''
B_Clo = ''
Ipage = B_Clo

rfh = '15'

wprint "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='15' >"
wprint "<script type = 'text/javascript'>"
wprint "var timeInSecs;"
wprint "var ticker;function startTimer(secs){"
wprint "timeInSecs = parseInt(secs)-1;"
wprint "ticker = setInterval('tick()',1000);}"
wprint "function tick() {"
wprint "var secs = timeInSecs;"
wprint "if (secs>0) {timeInSecs--;} else {clearInterval(ticker);"
wprint "startTimer(15);}document.getElementById('countdown').innerHTML = secs;} startTimer(15);"
wprint "</script><body><div>"
wprint "<table bgcolor='Lawngreen' border='1' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<th><h1>ESP8266 Blinker Thing!</h1></th>"
wprint "<td><IMG SRC="
wprint htlmvar(Ipage)
wprint " LEFT='1' WIDTH='120' HEIGHT='60' BORDER='1'></td>"
wprint "<th id='countdown'>15</th></table><br>"

wprint "<div><textarea name='cmd1s' cols='70' rows='14'></textarea></div><br>"
wprint "<div><textarea name='cmd2s' cols='70' rows='6'></textarea></div><br>"

wprint "<div><table bgcolor='Yellow' border='1' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<tr><th>Sensor</th><th>TempC</th><th>TempF</th><th>PPMcntr</th><th>PPM__</th><th>Adj__1</th><th>Adj__2</th></tr>"
wprint "<tr><td>DS18B20P</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(cdeg0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(fdeg0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(apc0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(ppm0)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(adj1)
wprint "</td><td>"
wprint htmlvar(adj2)
wprint "</td></tr>"
wprint "<tr><th>Probe-K</th><th>Pool-PH</th><th>PH-Adj</th><th>ADC Value</th></tr>"
wprint "<tr><td>01.0</td><td>7.0</td><td>7</td><td bgcolor='Red'>"
wprint htmlvar(adc_value)
wprint "</td></tr></table></div><br>"

button "BLINK" [BLINK]
button "RD_ADC" [RDA.DC]
button "TEMP_DN" [TEMP.DN]
button "TEMP_UP" [TEMP.UP]
button "F_Deg" [Fdeg]
button "ForNxt" [ForNext]
button "EyeOpn" [EyeOpen]
button "EyeClo" [EyeClose]
textbox mycommand
wprint "<br>



if Ipage == B_Clo then Ipage = B_Opn else Ipage = B_Clo
serialprintln "setting cnt = '1' "
cnt = "1"
if cnt == "1" then SERIALPRINTLN "1"
if cnt == "2" then SERIALPRINTLN "2"
serialprintln "cnt still = '1' why print 2 "

AI adc_value
SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked rda dc"

SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked temp dn"
cdeg0 = cdeg0 - 0.1
fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
ppm0 = ppm0 - 1
apc0 = apc0 - 1
adj1 = adj1 - 1
adj2 = adj2 - 1

SERIALPRINTLN "you clicked temp up"
cdeg0 = cdeg0 + 0.1
fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
ppm0 = ppm0 + 1
apc0 = apc0 + 1
adj1 = adj1 + 1
adj2 = adj2 + 1
fdeg0 = cdeg0 * 1.8
fdeg0 = fdeg0 + 32
serialprintln fdeg0

for x = 1 to 5
    if x = 1 then serialprintln "pass 1"
    if x = 2 then serialprintln "pass 2"
    if x = 3 then serialprintln "pass 3"
    if x = 4 then serialprintln "pass 4"
    if x = 5 then serialprintln "pass 5"
next x

Ipage = ''

Ipage = ''


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By Mmiscool
#32968 to set the timer to zero and disable it use the command
Code: Select alltimer 0

with out the = sign.
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By Mmiscool
#32978 fixed bg in if then statement.

Logic should work now.