Just loaded v1.19 on my esp-12E flavor already containing nodemcu -- load ok but will not boot tried reloading NG
loaded v1.17 on my esp-12E flavor Ok and booted then loaded v1.19 ok and booted -----hmmmmmmm
# I noticed on 1.17 that both and will display my code at same time
is this by design , since v1.19 does the same .
This code does not work properly unless the 2nd digit is not the length I want ? -- double checking --
mid(X4,start,end) ok sb last position of data I want,, I think we are 1 byte short
this code almost works using 2nd digit as position of last char I want
mycommand = "eerfh25xx"
x = instr(mycommand,"rfh")
serialprintln "-- mycommand = 'eerfh25xx' 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8"
serialprint "-- x = instr(mycommand,'rfh') SB '2' x = "
serialprintln x
q = mid(mycommand,x,8)
serialprint "-- q = mid(mycommand,x,8) SB 'rhf25xx' q = "
serialprintln q
y = mid(mycommand,5,8)
serialprint "-- y = mid(mycommand,5,8) SB '25xx' w = "
serialprintln y
z = x + 3
w = mid(mycommand,z,8)
serialprint "-- w = mid(mycommand,z,8) SB '25xx' w = "
serialprintln w
my results are using 2nd digit position of last byte I want [ it's short 1 byte ?]
-- mycommand = 'eerfh25xx'
-- x = instr(mycommand,'rfh') SB '2' x = 2
-- q = mid(mycommand,x,8) SB 'rhf25xx' q = rfh25x
-- y = mid(mycommand,5,8) SB '25xx' w = 25x
-- w = mid(mycommand,z,8) SB '25xx' w = 25x