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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By catthetrout
#39461 Just a small tokenizer/parser bug, minor but took some head scratching as to why my app was kinda wonky.

Here is the stripped out code snippet demonstrating ( note spaces )

let foo="1"
print foo
let foo ="12"
print foo
let foo= "123"
print foo
let foo = "1234"
print foo

Output as follows


Seems like when no spaces either before and after '=' leaves var undefined.

Thanks guys for all your hard work. Gotta love the "OTA" aspect of this project
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By heckler
#39473 catthetrout,

I'm pretty sure this is not a bug but a peculiarity of the IDE.
I could not find where but I remember Mike stating that the SPACE character is how the IDE determines the various parts of your code.

So you must use the SPACE (and only ONE space) to delineate the various parts of the statement and its components.

minor note: the LET is optional

LET Y = 5
is the same as
Y = 5

but you do need a space before and after the "="

It's a FEATURE not a BUG!! :D
good luck