9 only works on certain versions of nodemcu which versions I would have to test more and get back but so far from what I can tell...
In DIO mode only now!
DoITAM model 9 is not functional.
Amica model 9 is functional as a GPIO.
LoLin Unsure on order to test.
Yellow Board Unsure Hopefully someone could help out with testing on this one.
What other models are available?
Is there a list of nodemcu models available?
This stuff should all be made public knowledge somehow with all of the different boards out there floating around.
So to do the mod I am assuming one must lift the fcc cover off of the esp12?
I guess I should read a bit more into the mod to be sure but heck I have 3 other projects going on my heater, washing machine, and data recovery for a friend of mine oh what fun just figured this all out at like 9PM tonight yey!
Where I buy my ESP8266 boards from... (Banggood)