- Mon May 01, 2017 3:08 am
Thats, a strange co-incidence! I am working on precisely the same application.
Here are my thoughts:
1) Totally agree with Heckler; let a pic do the more time-sensitive tasks.
2) Tried home-made capacitive sensors, gave up for want of good repeatability; not final, though, intend to do some more work as it looks promising.
3) Ultrasonics: read in a number of places that the HC-SR04 start misbehaving after a few days in the damp environment. I guess a Maxbotix sensor like one of these would be ideal
https://www.maxbotix.com/Ultrasonic_Sensors.htm?1b8106 , but they're expensive.
4) Car reverse sensors; this seems to be a cheap and reliable way of achieving the goal, if you can live with the limitations. The sensors are robust, and waterproof; the electronics is away from the actual transducer and can be sealed for protection. And, since it is a Tx/Rx transducer, mounting is much easier. The limitations: a) minimum distance of 20 cms; can live with that. b) Maximum distance of 250 cms; not a problem, my tank is less than 2 meters. Resolution in 10's of cms. This, I believe has now changed to 1 cm in the newer models, yet to confirm. The digital output is a kind of Manchester coding that contains distance data for all 4 transducers. I'll be using 2, to monitor 2 tanks. AND, these units are CHEAP! Here in my country, I paid the equivalent of 8 USD for the unit, including 4 transducers.